Title: Winifred Armstrong Papers
Creator: Winifred Armstrong
Extent: 8 Linear Feet
Repository: Pace University School of Law Library
Related Collections: Papers of Winifred Armstrong; Taylor Ostrander Papers
Abstract: An international economist and long-time employee of American Metal Climax, Inc., Winifred Armstrong was a primary coordinator of the American business community's contributions to the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in 1972, particularly the development of worldwide pollution control standards. The Conference began as a Swedish initiative in the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 1968, which led to a resolution in the General Assembly to hold a conference to "encourage and to provide guidelines for action by governments and international organizations designed to protect and improve the human environment and to remedy and prevent its impairment, by means of international cooperation, bearing in mind the particular importance of enabling developiing countries to forestall the occurrence of such problems.” The Conference’s priority was to identify the most urgent environmental problems and obtain agreement among participants to resolve these issues. The U.S. business community was an important participant, and the Armstrong papers reflect its involvement with the United States Department of State, United Nations, and organizations such as the National Chambers of Commerce, International Chambers of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, as well as university-affiliated and corporate environmental experts.
Contact for Access: Gail Whittemore at 914 422-4357
Usage Restrictions: Copyright is retained by the author(s), or their descendants, as provided by United States copyright law.
Provenance: Winifred Armstrong presented the document collection to Pace University School of Law Library in 2010.
Collection Review: The Collection includes thirteen series, consisting of correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, between Winifred Armstrong and the executives and staff of AMAX, as well as colleagues at other companies, government employees, and others. The collection represents the time period 1966 - 1975, and includes reports of governmental and non-governmental organizations, informational materials, and newspaper and other periodical clippings. Series are arranged by organization, topic, and chronological order.
Series 1-2: Containers 1 - 2: American Metal Climax, Inc. (AMAX); Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments between AMAX staff, business associates and government officials (33 folders).
Series 3: Containers 3 - 4: Business and Industry Advisory Council (BIAC); USA/BIAC Committees: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports and meeting minutes (27 folders).
Series 4: Container 5: U.S. Department of State; Secretary’s Advisory Committee: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports and meeting minutes (12 folders).
Series5: Container 6: International Chamber of Congress (ICC); Environmental Committee: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports and meeting minutes (13 folders).
Series 6: Container 7: National Foreign Trade Council; Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports, and publications (12 folders).
Series 7: Container 7: National Chamber of Commerce (NCC); Environmental Pollution Panel and USA/BIAC Committees: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports, meeting minutes, and publications (9 folders).
Series 8: Container 8: National Association of Manufacturers (NAM); Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports, and publications (6 folders).
Series 9: Container 8: Office of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); Environment Committee: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, reports and meeting minutes (6 folders).
Series 10-11: Container 9: United Nations (Committees and Workgroups; Related Conferences); Includes Albert Schweitzer conference, United Nations Environmental Programme; other conferences and other UN affiliated groups: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, committee reports and meeting minutes, and conference materials and publications (16 folders).
Series 11: Container 10: United Nations (Other Committees and Organizations); United Environmental Programme and International Centre for Industry and The Environment: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, committee reports and meeting minutes, and conference materials and publications (9 folders).
Series 12: Containers 11 - 12: UN Conference on the Human Environment; Conference planning and preparation, conference proceedings and post conference summary: Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, committee reports and meeting minutes; and conference materials, final reports, and publications (32 folders).
Series 13: Containers 13 - 15: Miscellaneous; Articles and publications on the environment and other topics covering time period from 1969 – 1975: Newspaper and magazine articles, publications, reports, and codes and regulations (27 folders).