Title: Hon. John D. Carey, New York Supreme Court, Westchester County, Papers
Creator: Hon. John D. Carey
Extent: 15 linear feet
Date Span: 1985 - 1994
Repository: Pace University School of Law Library
Related Collections: None.
Abstract: Judge John Carey presided in the New York Supreme Court, Westchester County, during the 1980s and 1990s. Judge Carey was judge of many civil and criminal matters, but the most publicized case was the murder trial of Carolyn Warmus, dubbed by newspapers the "Fatal Attraction" case after a popular film.
Contact for Access: Gail Whittemore at 914-422-4357
Series: (Series XII-XVII do not have piece-level inventories)
Series XII: Vandalism/Holocaust Education - Carey Decision and Related Materials (1989-1990)
Series XIII: News Articles and Press Clippings
Series XIV: Correspondence
Series XV: Selected Jury Questionnaires and Materials
Series XVI: Notes
Series XVII: Videorecordings (online)