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Legislative History Research Guide : Legislative Research in Other States

The legislative history of a law is comprised of the documents created during deliberations leading to the law's enactment. They are used to determine the legislature's intended purpose and to clarify any ambiguities in the language. - Gail Whittemore -

Legislative Histories in the States

State legislative history can be difficult to find: each state preserves different types of materials (sometimes no material at all) as legislative history; coverage can be spotty, both in terms of dates covered and also the kinds of legislative history documents available for different laws, even in the same jurisdiction; not everything is available online; and there may not be any compiled histories for state statutes.

U.S. State Legislative Resources

HeinOnline Session Laws Library
Complete session laws and statutes for all states, frequently updated.  

Legislative History > State: bill tracking and legislative histories for all states. Coverage varies (current Pace students, faculty, and staff only).
State Legislatures, Laws, and Regulations: Website Links and Telephone Numbers

 Complete legislative histories start with acts passed in 1953, and usually contain both House and Senate proceedings.

Law Library of Congress, U.S. States and Territories
LLMC Digital
Provides access to digitized session laws for all fifty states, although coverage is not complete (available on campus or off campus via VPN).
State and Local Government on Net
Directory of official state, county, and city websites.
National Conference of State Legislatures
Gateway to official state legislature websites for all fifty states; also provides summaries of federal, state, and local actions on various topics.

National Governors' Association
Council of State Governments