HeinOnline Session Laws Library
Complete session laws and statutes for all states, frequently updated.
Legislative History > State: bill tracking and legislative histories for all states. Coverage varies (current Pace students, faculty, and staff only).
Search: Legislative history > Filters: Category: Statutes and Legislation; Jurisdiction: All States
State Legislatures, Laws, and Regulations: Website Links and Telephone Numbers
(LLSDC Legislative Sourcebook 2018)
The major public law library in the state, its collections include an extensive file of New Jersey legislative histories.
Complete legislative histories start with acts passed in 1953, and usually contain both House and Senate proceedings.
Law Library of Congress, U.S. States and Territories
Legal and government resources for every U.S. state and territory.
LLMC Digital
Provides access to digitized session laws for all fifty states, although coverage is not complete (available on campus or off campus via VPN).
State and Local Government on Net
Directory of official state, county, and city websites.
Searchable municipal codes, linked from Pace Law Library, A-Z Databases.
National Conference of State Legislatures
Gateway to official state legislature websites for all fifty states; also provides summaries of federal, state, and local actions on various topics.
National Governors' Association
A bipartisan public policy organization that advises its members on innovations and policy recommendations and advocates for its members with the federal government.
Council of State Governments
Founded in the Depression, the Council includes elected and appointed state and territorial officials in the U.S. Its committees, task forces, and policy and research specialists consider and make recommendations on public policy.