Securities Regulation, Louis Loss et al. (6th ed. 2019) (KF1439 .L6) (multi-vol.)
Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation, Norman S. Poser (5th ed. 2019) (KF1071 .P6723) (2-vol. looseleaf)
Treatise on the Law of Securities Regulation, Thomas Lee Hazen (7th ed. 2016) (KF1439 .H39) (multi-vol.)
Publicly Traded Corporations: Governance & Regulation, Brent A. Olson (3rd ed. 2010) (KF1439 .M37) (2-vol.)
Investor's Guide to Securities Industry Disputes: How to Prevent and Resolve Disputes With Your Broker, Jill Gross & Alice Oshins, eds. (2009) (KF 1070 .Z9 I68).
Social Security Disability Law and the American Labor Market, John C. Dubin (2021) (KF3650 .D83)
Social Security Claims and Procedures, Harvey L. McCormick (6th ed. 2009) (KF3649 .M27) (2-vol.)
Health at Work, Ageing and Environmental Effects on Future Social Security and Labour Law Systems (Nuno Cerejeira Namora ed. 2018) (ebook).
(SEE ALSO Arts & Entertainment Law; Gaming)
Essentials of Sports Law, Glenn M. Wong (4th ed. 2010) (KF3989 .W66).
Federal Income Taxation: A Law Student's Guide to the Leading Cases and Concepts, Marvin A. Chirelstein (13th ed. 2015) (KF6369 .C43) (Reserve)
Federal Income Taxation: Model Problems and Outstanding Answers (2011) (ebook).
(SEE ALSO Products Liability)
Harper, James and Gray on Torts, Fowler V. Harper (3rd ed. 2006) (KF1250 .H372) (multi-vol.).
(SEE ALSO Intellectual Property; Antitrust Law)
Guide to Protecting and Litigating Trade Secrets (ABA 2012) (KF3197 .G85).