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Health Law Research Guide: PubMed and Medline

A gateway to online resources, including federal, state, and international health law, health law topics, legal and medical journals and newsletters, legal and medical agencies and organizations, and relevant discussion groups.

Pub Med and Medline

PubMed, from National Library of Medicine, includes MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other databases. The MEDLINE bibliographic database covers medicine, nursing, dentistry, the health care system, preclinical sciences, and veterinary medicine. More than 11 million bibliographic citations and author abstracts, back to the mid-1960's, from over 4,000 US and foreign biomedical journals. PreMEDLINE, an in-process database, gives basic citation information and abstracts before artcles are fully indexed with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). New records are added daily tagged [MEDLINE record in process].

  • Search PubMed
  • Overview of PubMed - also know as "PubMed Quick Start," this will is a guide for using PubMed including search, citations, download of articles, etc. 
  • PubMed Tutorial
  • PubMed Help - access to YouTube tutorials, FAQs, and PubMed Quick Start.
  • PubMed Workbook from Bracken Health Sciences Library, Queen's University
  • PubMed Training - access to tutorials, webcasts, videos, and handouts.
  • MEDLINE/PubMed - access to biomedical literature, life science journals and online books.