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Archival Collections: Archives at Pace Law Library

The Archives at Pace Law Library contains several collections of papers of interest to legal researchers and lawyers.

Archive and Special Collections at Pace Law Library

Elisabeth Haub School of Law Archives collect, preserve, and provide access to primary source materials that have been donated by judges and legal scholars. To use the Archives and Special Collections, please make an appointment with the Reference Department.

The researcher is responsible for the careful handling of all materials made available. Materials are to be maintained in the order in which they are received by the researcher. Haub Law School Archives may permit limited reproduction of materials when such duplication does not violate donor agreements and when it may be done without damaging original materials. Copies may be made for research and reference only. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine any copyright restrictions on, and obtain necessary authorization for, copying and/or other use of the materials. All items researchers wish to photocopy must be shown to a staff member before photocopying.

Contact Reference or Alyson Carney for assistance. 

List of Archives


  • Archives:  Chauncey Olinger - Documents on Citizens' Movement to Prevent the SST (Concorde) from Landing in the United States
    • In the 1960s, the Concorde supersonic transport (SST) aircraft was manufactured in Britain and France, intended to cut flightt times between London and Paris to less than five hours. As the airlines sought authorization to land at U.S. airports, however, reports of adverse effects from SST flights, including inreased noise levels, additional fuel requirements, and pollution of the upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer, were detected. Chauncey G. Olinger, Jr., headed a groups of environmental activists that worked to prohibit SST landings in the U.S.  [This collection is in process and a finding aid will be available soon]